- eye contact significantly improved by the end
- i had more hand gestures than in the beginning
- i talked louder the last time
- i touched my hair less in the last speech
- my first speech was better though because i knew more about my topic, and had a passion for it
- my last speech was noticibly less researched than my first one
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
First and last speeches- compare&contrast
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
informative speech
- didn't introduce my topic immediately
- didn't make enough eye contact
- folded arms
- kept saying "uh," "um," and "like."
- monotone voice, not sounding like i'm excited
- voice could have been louder
Friday, April 9, 2010
brown bag speech review
I kept touching my hair.
I started to trip towards the end.
I was pretty monotone, until it came down to Miley Cyrus.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Taming of the Shrew CAST
Ben Stiller as Grumio because Grumio is Petruchio's servant, so they would need some sort of bond. Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller have worked together several times like in "Zoolander" and "Night in the Museum," which has made them extremely close friends. Seeing as Owen and Luke are brothers, Ben Stiller and Luke Wilson have bonded over time- which creates a good enough bond for them to really do well at their roles, Grumio and Petruchio.

Luke Wilson as Petrucio because due to his performances, you know he can deal with any type of woman while keeping his cool. Petruchio would need patience and drive to tame Katherine, both assets that Luke Wilson has.

Owen Wilson as Hortensio because I casted his older brother, Luke Wilson as Petruchio- and this makes sense for two different things. In the play, Petruchio and Hortensio are good, lifelong friends, so the fact that they're brothers in real life would give them that great bond and chemistry between them. Also, Owen Wilson is the younger brother so it makes sense that he would go for the younger sister, Bianca and Luke would go for the older sister, Katherine.

Josh Hartnett as Gremio because he's young enough and handsome enough to keep up with somebody like Megan Fox. So in terms of the play, Gremio could be a good possible match for Bianca.

Wilmer Valderrama as Tranio simply because I casted Ashton Kutcher as Lucentio. Ashton and Wilmer have a close bond from acting together for years on the television series "That 70's Show." That all matters because Tranio is Lucentio's servant, and I think that Wilmer is the less famous one in their relationship so I chose him as the underdog.

Ashton Kutcher as Lucentio because he is young and attractive, yet intelligent. Even though his career as an actor was a success- he did go to college in Iowa meaning he did seek education, as did Lucentio.

Megan Fox as Bianca because she is

America Ferrera as Katherine because of her appearance (as Ugly Betty.) Also in the movie, "The Sistorhood of the Traveling Pants," her character is catty and dramatic- just like Katherine is.

Denzel Washington as Baptista because he is a strong man that seems like he doesn't take no for an answer. He carries himself well and people respect him for that, much like Baptista's children and peers respect him.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010

I chose this for satire because it used comical relief in order to change the way we are with financing and managing debt. In America, we've spent trillions of dollars that we don't have and in the meantime, we just pass on the debt to the next person. It's funny because we all know it's true too.

I chose this for farce because they're mocking the book Twilight. Also, being a vampire is very improbable. Not to mention, it is both improbable and dramatic because you don't just run up to a stranger and suggest that you two fall in love.
ANECDOTE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3G3fILPQAU
I chose The Notebook as an example for anecdote. It's a story of two young people that engage in a Summer romance, but realize that thier love is real and neither of them wanted it to end by the time Fall came around. The narator is Noah as an old man, and he's telling it to Allie as an old woman. Noah and Allie were the young ones in love, but Allie has Alzheimer's so she doesn't remember. I thought since it was two stories in one, it was a good piece of work to represent an anecdote.
PARODY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OG8faNTcwo
I chose the parody of Britney Spears' song "3" called "Speidi-free" as my example of a parody. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag from MTV's reality show The Hills got married and instantly it was on every television channel. YouTuber VenetianPrincess made a parody of that, even though it is a serious matter.